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Mark of a Man
Books by Mark

In a world where men are told to be strong, suppress their feelings, and hold it together, Mark Sephton knows that the true mark of a man is an ability to understand his needs, emotions, responsibilities, and duty not only to those around him – but also himself.
“Mark of a Man” helps men become better men. Drawn from the lens and struggle of his divorce, Mark’s candor creates a healthy and open space for men to similarly look at themselves in the mirror. Readers walk away knowing what it takes to navigate the difficult paths we must all take at some point in our lives.

“The essence of my book is to help men become better men. I delve into the complex emotions men face, and I talk a lot about the responsibilities of being a man and what we should expect from ourselves. I look at the difference between masculine and feminine energy and the beautiful differences between males and females.
I’ve written this book from the heart and have shared my own struggles as a man, primarily using the context of my divorce to share broad and needed lessons. We all know the importance of encouraging men to talk. I hope this book also encourages men to think. It is my hope that men become better by reading this book, and that loved ones, too, order a copy for the important men in their lives.”

DISCOVER who you are. IMAGINE who you could be, and ACHIEVE all the potential within you. We are all only as good as the thoughts we think. What are you thinking? If you want to change your life, you have to change the way you think. Your mind is a steering wheel, and you can move it in any direction you desire.
As a personal mentor to entrepreneurs, Mark Sephton challenges you to create the right environment and mental culture to tap into your creative genius. Inside Job is built on your capability to work on how you think, act, and behave. Your beliefs about who you are, determine your behavior. The way we think, our attitude, and our mindset toward ourselves is an “inside job.”

What happens when life throws us curveballs? We shout, “plot twist.”
Mark Sephton’s latest book, Plot Twist, is a guide to successfully navigating our visions and goals for life even when things come from left field to take us in a new direction.
Learn how to stop resisting change or dwelling on what might have been to, instead, focus on what could be. This simple mindset shift gleaned through Mark’s advice, stories, and tips will help you find a new path that will result in more adventure, better expectations of life, and insightful personal revelations to catapult you into new realms of exploration.

One More Round is a new fresh show combining the world of entrepreneurship with real life. We will find the very best guests and take a closer look into their lives and find examples of when they didn’t throw in the towel but went one more round and are now able to inspire and educate all of us on our quest for fulfillment and success.

DISCOVER who you are. IMAGINE who you could be, and ACHIEVE all the potential within you. We are all only as good as the thoughts we think. What are you thinking? If you want to change your life, you have to change the way you think. Your mind is a steering wheel, and you can move it in any direction you desire.
As a personal mentor to entrepreneurs, Mark Sephton challenges you to create the right environment and mental culture to tap into your creative genius. Inside Job is built on your capability to work on how you think, act, and behave. Your beliefs about who you are, determine your behavior. The way we think, our attitude, and our mindset toward ourselves is an “inside job.”

What happens when life throws us curveballs? We shout, “plot twist.”
Mark Sephton’s latest book, Plot Twist, is a guide to successfully navigating our visions and goals for life even when things come from left field to take us in a new direction.
Learn how to stop resisting change or dwelling on what might have been to, instead, focus on what could be. This simple mindset shift gleaned through Mark’s advice, stories, and tips will help you find a new path that will result in more adventure, better expectations of life, and insightful personal revelations to catapult you into new realms of exploration.
Mark shares his personal stories about how others have helped him find new and different paths and opened his eyes to possibility. When you have the mindset that anything is possible, you begin to open your eyes and welcome change as an exciting part of life. This outlook provides the vision and adaptability not to allow life to stop you in your tracks but to yell, “plot twist” at the top of your lungs and move forward from a place of inspiration and excitement.
Let’s journey together.

One More Round is a new fresh show combining the world of entrepreneurship with real life. We will find the very best guests and take a closer look into their lives and find examples of when they didn’t throw in the towel but went one more round and are now able to inspire and educate all of us on our quest for fulfillment and success.
Identify, Clarify, and Grow With Mark
Considering a mentor? Imagine how much faster you could reach your goals with the support of a guide. As an experienced mentor, I help my clients to identify, clarify, and then grow.
My belief and professional experience has shown that when you develop and grow as a person, all that’s within you and all that’s possible grows too. This is why my unique focus is on the development of self-leadership. In other words, I help businesses grow by helping individuals grow.
The core of my support lies within my unique GPS – Internal MRI system. I’ve built and developed this system from years of working with entrepreneurs and leaders, specifically reflecting on the common areas of pain, limitations, opportunities, and growth breakthroughs.
Today, my GPS gauges the health and success behind what makes a human a game-changer. It reveals blind spots, efficiencies, and deficiencies. It shows a comprehensive view of how you think, act, and behave. It tells what’s within your character and mindset to clearly see the opportunities and strengths available to you and your business.
The GPS is then what sets the tone and the path of our mentoring partnership. I’ll bring personalized guidance to help you break through and achieve the success, happiness, purpose, and fulfillment that’s meant for you.